Us Revolver Serial Number List

Apr 30, 2013  It is a US Revolver Co 7 shot 22, solid frame revolver. These were manufactured by Iver Johnson. The serial number is 41936. I have the date of manufacture narrowed down to the 1911-1920 time frame, does anyone have any information that would get it to the year? It is a neat old gun. Revolver Co Revolver SN 6954 The years following the American Civil War saw the rise of host of companies that produced small, inexpensive metallic cartridge handguns.

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Us Revolver Serial Number List Printable

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Us Revolver Company

Us revolver company serial numbers

SN 6954

The years following the American Civil War saw the rise of hostof companies that produced small, inexpensive metallic cartridgehandguns. Product lines ran from copies of firearms by establishedmanufacturers including Smith & Wesson, to derringers andpepperbox pistols, small spur-trigger and folding-trigger pocketrevolvers and 'Velo Dog' pistols.

Iver Johnson Serial Number History

Some companies manufactured arms under a variety of differentnames. Corporate names still familiar today saw their beginningsduring this period, including Harrington & Richardson and IverJohnson. Other companies, such as Forehand & Wadsworth, Hopkinsand Allen, Merwin Hulbert & Co., prospered for a time beforeeventually closing, but most firms appeared on the scene for abrief period before vanishing into obscurity. Such names as'Bang-up,' 'Little Giant,' 'Swamp Angel,' and 'Tramp's Terror' weresome of the many names under which these pistols were marketed bylong-forgotten firms. In addition to American-produced examples,European arms also found a niche in the marketplace.

Us Revolver Company 38

Characteristics of these pistols vary widely. Some weresingle-shot, while others possessed six- or seven-shot capacity,and at least one revolver utilized two cylinders which yielded atotal of 14 shots. Most were small caliber single-action arms whichutilized either .22 or .32 rimfire cartridges, althoughdouble-action revolvers chambered for .38 centerfire ammunitionwere also produced. Derringers were typically available in .41 or.44 caliber. An assortment of features could be found, includingbrass- or steel-framed models; various butt profiles; round- oroctagonal-barrels; fluted or smooth cylinders; bead, post, orhalf-disc front sights; top-strap or open-frame; removable sideplates; pivoting top- or side-break mechanisms, some with automaticejection systems, were available in this class of sidearms.

Although higher-quality pocket pistols were produced by severaldifferent manufacturers, many guns of this type were inexpensive,low-quality, mass-produced arms. From a collector's standpoint,these guns have not generated a great amount of interest, perhapsbecause they have little historical significance. Some, however,exhibit features often seen on more expensive arms, including ivoryor deluxe walnut grips, nickel or gold plating, and elaborateengraving, and are worthy of a place beside fine firearms by Colt,Remington, or Smith & Wesson in the collector's case.