Kevin Trudeau Free Money

Jan 21, 2019  The Free Money book by Kevin Trudeau is a piece of crap! What a waste of money! Kevin should be held accountable for his 'creative' story telling. Kevin Mark Trudeau (/ t r uː ˈ d oʊ /; born February 6, 1963) is an American author, salesman, and pool enthusiast, known for his fraudulent promotion of his books and resulting legal cases involving the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).His ubiquitous late-night infomercials, which promoted his unsubstantiated health, diet, and financial advice, earned him a fortune but eventually resulted in. Free Money They Don’t Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau (New 2012 Edition) PLUS 2 FREE BONUS GIFTS of Kevin Trudeau's '25 Easiest Ways To Instantly Make $10,000 in Cash' and the 'Free Stuff' Bonus CD (Free Money They Don’t Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau).

  1. Natural Cures Kevin Trudeau Scam
  2. Kevin Trudeau Website
  3. Kevin Trudeau Free Money Book
Trudeau in 2005
February 6, 1963 (age 56)
Lynn, Massachusetts, US
OccupationAuthor, radio and television personality
Known forPromoting alternative medicine and questionable diet and financial remedies
Founding the International Pool Tour
Criminal chargeFraud, larceny and contempt of court
Regulatory settlements with the FTC and eight state Attorneys-General for false claims and misleading representations

Kevin Mark Trudeau (/trˈd/; born February 6, 1963) is an American author, salesman, and pool enthusiast, known for his fraudulent promotion of his books and resulting legal cases involving the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). His ubiquitous late-night infomercials, which promoted his unsubstantiated health, diet, and financial advice, earned him a fortune but eventually resulted in civil and criminal penalties for fraud, larceny, and contempt of court.

In the early 1990s, Trudeau was convicted of larceny and credit card fraud. In 1998, the accused him of grossly misrepresenting the contents of his book, The Weight-Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About. In a 2004 settlement, he agreed to pay a $500,000 fine and cease marketing all products except his books, which are protected under the First Amendment.[1] However, in 2011, he was fined $37.6 million for violating the 2004 settlement, and ordered to post a $2 million bond before engaging in any future infomercial advertising.[2][3][4] In 2013, facing further prosecution for violations of the 2011 agreement and non-payment of the $37-million judgment, Trudeau filed for bankruptcy protection.[5] His claims of insolvency were challenged by FTC lawyers, who maintained that he was hiding money in shell companies, and cited examples of continued lavish spending, such as $359 for a haircut.[6]

In November 2013, Trudeau was convicted of criminal contempt,[7][8] and was sentenced to 10 years at Montgomery federal prison camp in Alabama.[9]

Infomercials starring Trudeau and promoting his books — under the auspices of a private California corporation of undisclosed ownership — continue to air regularly on United States television stations.[10]

  • 4Publications
  • 6Infomercials
  • 7Additional marketing ventures
  • 9Legal proceedings
  • 10Other criticisms

Early life[edit]

Trudeau grew up in Lynn, Massachusetts, the adopted son of Robert and Mary Trudeau. He attended St. Mary's High School in Lynn, where he was voted 'Most Likely to Succeed' by the class of 1981.[11]


After high school Trudeau became a used car salesman, then joined the seminar circuit, selling memory improvement techniques. In 1990 he pleaded guilty to depositing $80,000 in worthless checks and impersonating a physician, but served, he said, fewer than 30 days. In 1991, he pleaded guilty to 11 counts of credit card fraud and spent two years in federal prison.[12] After his release in 1993, Trudeau joined a multi-level marketing firm, Nutrition for Life. The firm was successful until the Attorney General of Illinois charged that it was running a pyramid scheme. Trudeau and Nutrition for Life settled cases brought by the state of Illinois, and seven other U.S. states, for US$185,000.[12][13][14][15][clarification needed]

Next, Trudeau produced and appeared in a series of late-night television infomercial broadcasts throughout North America. They promoted a range of products, including health aids, dietary supplements (such as coral calcium), baldness remedies, addiction treatments, memory-improvement courses, reading-improvement programs and real estate investment strategies. The FTC took regulatory action against Trudeau, alleging that his broadcasts contained unsubstantiated claims and misrepresentations. In 1998, he was fined. In 2004, he settled a contempt-of-court action arising out of the same cases by agreeing to a settlement that included both payment of a $2 million fine and a ban on further use of infomercials to promote any product other than publications protected by the First Amendment.[16][17]

In 2004, Trudeau began writing books and promoting them with infomercials in the U.S. The first book he published was a medical guide titled Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About, which was published in 2005. The book was criticized for containing no natural cures.[18][19] Trudeau claimed that he was not able to include them because of threats by the FTC.[20] The book became a bestseller selling 5 million copies.[21]

Two years later, Trudeau published a second medical book titled More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease (ISBN0-9755995-4-2). According to Trudeau, the book identifies brand name products that will cure myriad illnesses. Trudeau's books claim that animals in the wild rarely develop degenerative conditions like cancer or Alzheimer's disease, and that many diseases are caused not by viruses or bacteria, but rather by an imbalance in vital energy. Science writer Christopher Wanjek critiqued and rejected many of these claims in his July 25, 2006 health column.[20]

Trudeau went on to publish The Weight-Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About and Debt Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About. His writing has been commercially successful if not factual. In September 2005, Natural Cures was listed in the New York Times as the number-one-selling nonfiction book in the United States for 25 weeks. It has sold more than five million copies.[21]

Trudeau launched a self-titled Internet radio talk show in February 2009 which also aired on several small radio stations consisting of mostly brokered programming.

Personal life[edit]

Trudeau has been married at least three times. Little is known about his first marriage, to Oleksandra Polozhentseva, a Ukrainian immigrant. His second union, in 2007, to Kristine Dorow, a Norwegian student whom he met in London, ended in annulment after four months. In 2008 he married Natalya Babenko, another Ukrainian, who currently runs several of his former companies. She has returned to her home in Kiev, according to Trudeau.[22]


Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About[edit]

In 2004, Trudeau self-published his book Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About, in which he made a number of unsubstantiated claims—for example, that sunlight does not cause cancer, sunscreen is one of the major causes of skin cancer, and that AIDS was a hoax devised as an excuse to stimulate medication usage.[23] Trudeau further suggested—again without documentation—that various 'natural cures' for serious illnesses, including cancer, herpes, arthritis, AIDS, acid reflux disease, various phobias, depression, obesity, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, attention deficit disorder, and muscular dystrophy, had been deliberately hidden from the public by the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, and the major food and drug companies.[24] In one widely quoted example, he asserted that the University of Calgary had developed a 'natural' diabetes treatment, then quashed its data, fearing reprisals from the pharmaceutical industry.[23] (A spokesman for the school told ABC News that 'there have been no human studies conducted at the University of Calgary in the past 20 years on herbal remedies for diabetes.' The university later sent Trudeau a 'cease and desist' letter, ordering him to stop using its name.[25]) Rose Shapiro cited Natural Cures as a prime example in her book, Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All.[19]

Natural Cures sold briskly due to an aggressive infomercial promotion. Quackwatch and other internet watchdog sites cautioned that the infomercial itself was 'misleading'.[26] In a 2005 public warning from the New York State Consumer Protection Board, CPB Chairman Teresa A. Santiago cautioned that Natural Cures contained no actual cures, only 'speculation'. Cures were promised, but only by subscribing to Trudeau's newsletter or website at $71.40 per year or $499 for a 'lifetime membership'. The paid sites contained only additional, similarly unsubstantiated speculation, according to the CPB.[18] The Chicago Tribune also noted that a purported back-cover endorsement by former FDA commissioner Herbert Ley—who died three years before the book was written—was actually an excerpt from a 35-year-old New York Times interview.[27]

More Natural Cures Revealed[edit]

Following Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About, Trudeau released a second medical guide two years later. His second book was self-published as well and titled More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease.[20]

The book is a similar publication to his first, where he purports to explain why drug and food companies hide the truth about how their products can cause disease.[28] In More Natural Cures Revealed, Trudeau writes that workers at the FDA and FTC want to censor him and, figuratively, burn his books. Though the book received negative comments from some reviewers, it received average ratings on both Amazon and[28][29]

The Weight Loss Cure “They” Don't Want You to Know About[edit]

In April 2007, Trudeau released The Weight Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About. The book describes a weight loss plan originally proposed by British endocrinologist ATW Simeons in the 1950s involving injections of human chorionic gonadotropin. The diet was criticized in 1962 by the Journal of the American Medical Association as hazardous to human health and a waste of money.[30] In 1976, the FTC ordered clinics and promoters of the Simeons Diet and hCG to inform prospective patients that there had not been 'substantial evidence' to conclude hCG offered any benefit above that achieved on a restricted calorie diet. Clinical research trials published by the Journal of the American Medical Association and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition[31] have shown that hCG is ineffective as a weight-loss aid, citing 'no statistically significant difference in the means of the two groups' and that hCG 'does not appear to enhance the effectiveness of a rigidly imposed regimen for weight reduction.'

The FTC has filed a contempt-of-court action against Trudeau alleging that the alleged misrepresentations in the book violate a 2004 consent order.[32][33]

Debt Cures “They” Don't Want You to Know About[edit]

Debt Cures was published in 2007 and has been marketed on television. Chuck Jaffee, a columnist at CBS MarketWatch, stated: 'Truth be told, most of the information (in the book) is readily available in personal finance columns you can find online or in books that are readily available in your local library.' Trudeau says that if readers disagree with items on their credit reports, they can dispute them as identity theft; this was the 'magic cure' of the book's title.[34]

Your Wish Is Your Command[edit]

Published in 2009, the product says it gives tools on how to use the Law of Attraction to manifest readers' desires. The packaging also says it contains key links to using the Law of Attraction that are missing in other publications. Among the claims made in the related infomercial is Trudeau's assertion to have virtually flunked out of high school.[35] He also says he was 'taken in' by a mysterious group called 'The Brotherhood' that taught him the secrets that he is now widely announcing in his book. There is also an invitation to join the now defunct 'Global Information Network,' an 'exclusive group of highly influential, affluent, and freedom-orientated [sic] people' (see below).[36] The network operated out of the Caribbean island Nevis and employed the Law of Attraction as its principal wealth generator, a concept regarded by most in the scientific community as at best pseudoscience.[37][38]

Media interviews[edit]

Trudeau has been interviewed by CNN's Paula Zahn,[39] Matt Lauer of NBC's Today Show, and Harry Smith of CBS's The Early Show.[40] Trudeau was also the subject of investigative reports done by Inside Edition,[41]ABC's 20/20[42] and Dateline NBC.[43] The 20/20 segment highlighted a Nightline interview with Jake Tapper in which Trudeau misrepresented the money he was forced to pay to the government, the charges filed against him and the reason the government did not follow through with charges, and claiming ignorance when the claims made in his book were called false by Tapper.[42]


At one time, Trudeau was a prolific producer of infomercials. He consented to an FTC ban applying to everything except publications that the FTC concluded would infringe upon his First Amendment rights. All of his subsequent infomercials advertised his books Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You To Know About and The Weight Loss Cure. Notable co-hosts included Leigh Valentine (former wife of televangelist Robert Tilton)[44][45] and the late Tammy Faye Messner (the former Tammy Faye Bakker).

Pharmaceutical companies[edit]

Trudeau offers a conspiracy theory, saying that the drug industry and the FDA work with each other to effectively deceive the public by banning all-natural cures in order to protect the profits of the drug industry. Trudeau says that FDA commissioners who leave the FDA to work for large drug companies are paid millions of dollars. In any other industry, according to Trudeau, this would be called 'bribery,' a 'conflict of interest' or 'payoffs.' Trudeau also says in his infomercials that the food industry includes chemicals (such as MSG and aspartame) to get people 'addicted to food' and to 'make people obese.'[46]

References to scientific studies[edit]

One of the major complaints about Trudeau's infomercials is that he makes only vague references to scientific studies, making them impossible to cross-check for accuracy. The same criticism exists for the anecdotal evidence he presents in the infomercials.[47] He does not identify people who he claims have been cured by his methods. For example, he tells a story in an infomercial about 'a friend from England' who came to his house and complained of heartburn. He also references a study done on the antidepressant qualities of St. John's Wort compared to two prescription medications. These studies, the informercials suggest, are identified in the book being advertised for sale, but none of his books provide any such substantiation. In an interview, he explained that he cannot reveal his source material because of 'FTC suppression'; but readers can join his web site, where, for $9.99 a month or $499 for a lifetime, they can gain access to the special members-only section from which they can e-mail him for the information.[12]

Newspaper articles[edit]

A pair of 2005 Associated Press articles by Candice Choi on the infomercials elaborated on the success and problems of the programs.[48] Choi says that by repeatedly mentioning government sanctions against him, Trudeau 'anticipated any backlash with his cuckoo conspiracy theory' and can partially deflect any criticism of him or his infomercials. Trudeau's use of the word 'cure' is an issue for regulators. Also, bookstores are polled on their decisions to sell or not sell a successful and controversial self-published book.

Additional marketing ventures[edit]

Audio tapes: 'Mega Memory'[edit]

Trudeau says he adapted techniques used to improve the memory of the blind and the mentally challenged to create Mega Memory and Advanced Mega Memory audio tapes. His promotion of memory-enhancing products was ended by the intervention of the Federal Trade Commission which alleged that the claims made by Trudeau were false and programs involved would not enable users to achieve a 'photographic memory,' as the advertising claimed.[49]

Trudeau used research that Dr. Michael Van Masters conducted with the State School for the Blind in Muskogee, Oklahoma, in 1975 as the basis of the Mega Memory products. Trudeau was selling automobiles at Neponset Lincoln Mercury in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston in 1982 when he first met Van Masters. Shortly after meeting Van Masters, Trudeau joined Van Masters in the memory business in Chicago.[citation needed]

Non-surgical facelift[edit]

In addition to Natural Cures, Trudeau also hosted an infomercial that features the 'Perfect Lift' non-surgical facelift. In the United Kingdom, this infomercial was found to violate the ITC advertising rules.[50]

In 2008, Trudeau began airing another infomercial, for a product called Firmalift, with Leigh Valentine.

Trudeau partners with Donald Barrett and ITV Direct[edit]

On September 11, 2006, Donald Barrett and ITV Direct, a direct marketing company based in Beverly, Massachusetts, announced that they had partnered with Trudeau to market both of his Natural Cures books.[51] Trudeau also worked with ITV to create ITV Ventures, a new MLM group based out of ITV's home office.[52] As of December 2006, ITV Direct has pulled all information concerning both this partnership and Trudeau's books from its corporate website; however, the infomercials continued to run for several years thereafter.

International Pool Tour[edit]

IPT Starship Stage for TV rounds and finals at North American Championship held in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2006

In 2005, Trudeau founded the International Pool Tour (IPT). His goal was to transform billiards into a 'major league' sport with aggressive promotion and the largest purses ever offered.[53] The initial three events in 2005 and early 2006 were successful, but at the fourth, the IPT World Open tournament in Reno, Nevada, promoters announced that they did not have sufficient funds on hand to cover the purse. Winners were assured that they would receive their prizes in small installments, but most were never paid. The Reno fiasco marked the demise not only of IPT, but of professional pool competitions as a whole. As one commentator put it, 'The pool hustler wasn't murdered by any single suspect, but the last man holding the knife was Kevin Trudeau.'[54]

Legal proceedings[edit]

In connection with his promotional activities he has had a felony conviction and has been an unsuccessful defendant in several Federal Trade Commission (FTC) lawsuits.[55][56][57][58][59] Trudeau has been charged several times by agencies of the United States government for making claims without evidence. In these cases Trudeau signed a consent decree in which he did not plead guilty but did agree to stop making the claims and to pay a fine. Trudeau subsequently began to sell books, which are protected by the First Amendment.[42]

Trudeau was convicted of fraud and larceny in the early 1990s.[60] The FTC has sued him repeatedly and keeps an extensive record of its conflicts with him.[61] A court order currently restricts his ability to promote and sell any product or service; however, he is permitted to promote books and other publications due to free-speech protection under the First Amendment as long as they are not used to promote or sell products or services and do not contain misrepresentations.[16][17] On November 19, 2007, a court found Trudeau in contempt of that court order for making deceptive claims about his book The Weight Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About.[55][62] In August 2008, he was fined more than $5 million[63] and banned from infomercials for three years for continuing to make fraudulent claims pertaining to the book. The amount of the monetary damages was later increased to $37 million.[64]

1990–1991: Larceny and credit card fraud[edit]

In 1990, Trudeau posed as a doctor in order to deposit $80,000 in false checks, and in 1991 he pleaded guilty to larceny. That same year, Trudeau faced federal charges of credit card fraud after he stole the names and Social Security numbers[11] of eleven customers of a mega memory product and charged $122,735.68 on their credit cards.[65] He spent two years in federal prison because of this conviction.[48] Later, in an interview, he explained his crimes as:

... youthful indiscretions and not as bad as they sound, and besides, both were partly the fault of other people, and besides, he has changed. The larceny he explains as a series of math errors compounded by the 'mistake' of a bank official. As for why the bank thought he was a doctor, that was just a simple misunderstanding, because he jokingly referred to himself as a 'doctor in memory'. He still can't quite believe he was prosecuted for the larceny charges. 'Give me a break,' he says.[12]

1996: SEC and various states[edit]

Trudeau began working for Nutrition For Life, a multi-level marketing program, in the mid-1990s. In 1996, his recruitment practices were cited by the states of Illinois and Michigan, as well as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Illinois sued Trudeau and Jules Leib, his partner, accusing them of operating an illegal pyramid scheme. They settled with Illinois and seven other states for $185,000 after agreeing to change their tactics. Michigan forbade him from operating in the state.[12][13][14][15] A class action lawsuit was filed by stockholders of Nutrition for Life for violations of Texas law, including misrepresenting and/or omitting material information about Nutrition for Life International, Inc.'s business. In August 1997, the company paid $2 million in cash to common stockholders and holders of warrants during the class period to settle the case. The company also paid the plaintiffs' attorney fees of $600,000.[66]

1998: FTC fine[edit]

In 1998, Trudeau was fined $500,000, the funds to be used for consumer redress by the FTC, relating to six infomercials he had produced and in which the FTC determined he had made false or misleading claims. These infomercials included 'Hair Farming,' 'Mega Memory System,' 'Addiction Breaking System,' 'Action Reading,' 'Eden's Secret,' and 'Mega Reading.'[49][67] The products included a 'hair farming system' that was supposed to 'finally end baldness in the human race,' and 'a breakthrough that in 60 seconds can eliminate' addictions, discovered when a certain 'Dr. Callahan' was 'studying quantum physics.'[12][68]

2004: FTC contempt of court and injunction[edit]

In June 2003, the FTC filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois against Trudeau and some of his companies (Shop America (USA), LLC; Shop America Marketing Group, LLC; and Trustar Global Media, Limited), alleging that disease-related claims for Coral Calcium Supreme were false and unsubstantiated. In July 2003, Trudeau entered into a stipulated preliminary injunction that prohibited him from continuing to make the challenged claims for Coral Calcium Supreme and Biotape.

In the summer of 2004, the court found Trudeau in contempt of court for violating the preliminary injunction, because he had sent out a direct mail piece and produced an infomercial making prohibited claims. The court ordered Trudeau to cease all marketing for coral calcium products.

In September 2004, Trudeau agreed to pay $2 million ($500,000 in cash plus transfer of residential property located in Ojai, California, and a luxury vehicle) to settle charges that he falsely claimed that a coral calcium product can cure cancer and other serious diseases and that a purported analgesic called Biotape can permanently cure or relieve severe pain. He also agreed to a lifetime ban on promoting products using infomercials, but excluded restrictions to promote his books via infomercials.[16][17][69] Trudeau was the only person ever banned by the FTC from selling a product via television.[23] Lydia Parnes, speaking for the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection stated: 'This ban is meant to shut down an infomercial empire that has misled American consumers for years.'[17] Trudeau claimed the government was trying to discredit his book because he was 'exposing them.'[23]

2005: Trudeau v. FTC[edit]


On February 28, 2005, Trudeau filed a complaint against the FTC in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia seeking declaratory and injunctive relief. Trudeau also filed a motion for preliminary injunction, which the court denied.[70]

The complaint charged that the FTC had retaliated against him for his criticism of the agency by issuing a press release that falsely characterized and intentionally and deliberately misrepresented the 2004 Final Order. That conduct, Trudeau asserted, exceeded the FTC's authority under 15 U.S.C. § 46(f) and violated the First Amendment. The FTC responded with a motion to dismiss the complaint for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1), and for failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted under Rule 12(b)(6).

The district court granted the FTC's motion to dismiss. First, the court concluded that it lacked subject-matter jurisdiction because the press release was not 'a 'final agency action' under 'section 704 of the [Administrative Procedure Act]', 5 U.S.C. § 704. Second, the court held, 'in the alternative, that Trudeau's claims failed to state a viable cause of action as a matter of law.'[70]

Trudeau later filed an appeal which was unsuccessful in reversing the court's ruling.[71]

2005: Trudeau v. New York Consumer Protection Board[edit]

Trudeau filed a lawsuit on August 11, 2005, accusing the New York State Consumer Protection Board of violating his First Amendment rights by contacting television stations in New York state and urging them to pull Trudeau's infomercials promoting his book Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About.[72] Trudeau won a temporary restraining order on September 6, 2005 prohibiting the Board from sending letters to the television stations. The temporary restraining order was replaced by a preliminary injunction. However, Trudeau lost a motion to have the Board send a 'corrective letter' to the television stations and subsequently dropped all claims for monetary damages. The case is still in litigation.[citation needed]

Kevin trudeau scam

2007: FTC contempt of court action[edit]

The FTC filed a contempt of court action against Trudeau and the companies that market The Weight Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About, alleging that Trudeau was in contempt of a 2004 court order by 'deceptively claiming in his infomercials that the book being advertised establishes a weight-loss protocol that is 'easy' to follow.' The action was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois on September 17, 2007.[32] According to an FTC press release, Trudeau has claimed that the weight loss plan outlined in the book is easy, can be done at home, and readers can eat anything they want. When consumers buy the book, they find it describes a complex plan that requires intense dieting, daily injections of a prescribed drug that is not easily obtainable, and lifelong dietary restrictions.[33]

On November 19, 2007, Trudeau was found in contempt of the 2004 court order for 'patently false' claims in his weight loss book. U.S. District Court Judge Robert W. Gettleman ruled that Trudeau 'clearly misrepresents in his advertisements the difficulty of the diet described in his book, and by doing so, he has misled thousands of consumers.'[55][62][73]On August 7, 2008, Gettleman issued an order that Trudeau was not to appear in infomercials for any product in which he has any interest, for three years from the date of the order; and was to pay a penalty of $5,173,000, an estimate of the royalties received from the weight loss book.[74][75]On November 4, 2008, Gettleman amended the judgment to $37,616,161, the amount consumers paid in response to the deceptive infomercials. The court denied Trudeau's request to reconsider or stay this ruling on December 11 of the same year.[64]

Trudeau appealed the ruling to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit which upheld the contempt finding, but sent the case back to the lower court to explain the basis of the $37,616,161 damage finding and the three-year infomercial ban.[76] After the lower court justified the basis for the damage finding, and set a $2 million performance bond for future infomercial advertising, Trudeau again appealed to the Seventh Circuit, which affirmed the damage award on November 29, 2011.[77]

2010: Arrest on criminal contempt of court charge[edit]

On February 11, 2010, Trudeau was arrested and appeared in U.S. District Court before Gettleman for criminal contempt of court after he 'asked his supporters to email the federal judge overseeing a pending civil case brought against him by the Federal Trade Commission.' He was forced to turn over his passport, pay a $50,000 bond and was warned he could face future prison time for interfering with the direct process of the court.[78] On February 17, Gettleman sentenced Trudeau to 30 days in jail and forfeiture of the $50,000 bond.[79] Well-known critic of Trudeau, Stephen Barrett, the creator of, 'has for years labeled Trudeau a fraud' and was quoted: 'He struck me as somebody who (believes he) is omnipotent. That is, no one can touch him,' Barrett said. 'That's almost been the case.'[78] Trudeau appealed the ruling and on May 20 the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals granted his motion, dismissing the contempt citation.[80]

2011: Loss of appeal against $37.6m fine[edit]

On November 28, 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission issued warnings to companies selling human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) as weight loss products as the claims are unsupported.[81] The HCG diet was popularized by Trudeau's The Weight-Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About book in 2007.[81][82]

On Nov. 29, 2011, Trudeau lost his 2010 appeal in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. The court found that the $37.6 million fine for violating his 2004 settlement with the Federal Trade Commission was appropriate as Trudeau had aired 32,000 infomercials and described the figure as 'conservative.'[3][4] The court considered sales only from the 800 number used to place orders and excluded internet and store sales.[3][4] Additionally, the court found that requiring Trudeau to make a $2 million performance bond prior to participating in an infomercial was constitutional.[3]

2013–2015: Additional contempt citations, asset concealment, imprisonment[edit]

In September 2013, Judge Robert Gettleman held Trudeau in civil contempt for violation of multiple court orders and failure to pay the $37 million fine assessed in 2010.[6] Noting that he continued to maintain a lavish lifestyle, despite insisting that he had been 'completely wiped out' financially, Gettleman appointed a receiver to identify and catalog Trudeau's assets and holdings.[83][84] A month later Trudeau was arrested after refusing to cooperate with the receiver's investigation.[85] In November a jury found him in criminal contempt for repeated violations of his 2004 agreement as well as subsequent orders and plea deals.[86] Pending sentencing he was held without bail as a flight risk, and for continued failure to disclose hidden assets.[87][88]

In February 2014, the court-appointed receiver announced that a number of Trudeau's known assets, including a home in Ojai, California, would be auctioned, with proceeds to be applied toward unpaid fines and restitutions.[89] The receiver also assumed control of Trudeau's Global Information Network (GIN), the Nevis-based 'secret club' that had promised extraordinary 'secrets to success'. Court officials informed GIN members that the club's business model 'likely amounted to an illegal pyramid scheme', and that its relentlessly publicized group of 30 billionaire financial advisors known as the 'GIN Council' did not exist. GIN's remaining assets were later auctioned as well.[90]

In March 2014, Trudeau was sentenced to 10 years in prison, an 'unusually lengthy' term for a contempt conviction.[91] Judge Ronald Guzman, 'visibly irritated' by Trudeau's plea for leniency, described him as 'deceitful to the core'. '[Trudeau] has treated federal court orders as if they were mere suggestions ... or at most, impediments to be sidestepped, outmaneuvered or just ignored,' Guzman said. 'That type of conduct simply cannot stand.'[92] Trudeau filed an appeal,[93] contending that (a) Gettleman erred in ruling that Trudeau's misrepresentations of the content of Free Money 'They' Don't Want You to Know About was in contempt of the court's 2004 Order; (b) that the district court abused its discretion when it ordered him to pay compensatory damages of $37.6 million; and (c) further abused its discretion when it amended its 2004 Order to prohibit him from participating in infomercials promoting his books.[94] In February 2016, a federal appeals court found no basis to accept Trudeau's claims, and ruled that the 10-year sentence was reasonable, given 'the size of Trudeau's fraud and the flagrant and repetitive nature of his contumacious conduct.'[95]

Trudeau is currently serving his sentence at the Federal Prison Camp Montgomery in Alabama.[96] He maintains an active Facebook page, where he solicits donations for his 'defense fund' and compares his imprisonment to that of Nelson Mandela.[97]

In April 2014, Guzman ordered that royalties payable to Trudeau from continuing sales of his books—now owned by a California company called Free is My Favorite LLC, which purchased the rights from Trudeau—be forwarded to a government-controlled trust and used for fine and restitution payments. Infomercials for Free Money 'They' Don't Want You to Know About, produced and marketed by Free is My Favorite LLC, continue to run on television stations throughout the United States.[97] In October 2015, Gettleman approved a partial refund of about $8 million to more than 820,000 people who bought The Weight Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About.[98]

Other criticisms[edit]

Medical experience[edit]

One common criticism by consumer groups is that Trudeau has had no medical training. Trudeau responds that by not having such training, he is not biased toward pharmaceutical companies and the FDA, and that medical doctors 'are taught only how to write out prescriptions' for 'poisons' and 'cut out pieces of a person's anatomy.'[99]

Unsubstantiated claims[edit]

Trudeau has been criticized for his inability to provide evidence to back up his claims. Although he recites anecdotes, he has never provided evidence evaluated by licensed medical practitioners. In instances where Trudeau has been asked to provide proof, he has misinterpreted medical studies or cited dubious or fictitious studies. For example, Trudeau cited a nonexistent 25-year research study involving a natural cure for diabetes at the University of Calgary.[100] When ABC News correspondent Jake Tapper confronted him on Nightline, Trudeau insisted that he had a copy of the study and would provide it; he never did.[23] He later claimed in his infomercials that the university destroyed its findings to prevent reprisals from the pharmaceutical industry. In 2006 University of Calgary officials announced in a public statement that none of Trudeau's claims about the university's research were true, and that its attorneys had sent Trudeau a 'cease and desist' letter, demanding that he stop associating himself with the school.[25]

False endorsements[edit]

In August 2005, the New York Consumer Protection Board warned consumers that Trudeau has used false claims of endorsements to promote his products, noting that the back cover of Natural Cures includes false endorsements. Further, the NYCPB states that Trudeau's television advertisements 'give the false impression that Tammy Faye Messner opposes chemotherapy in favor of the 'natural cures' in Trudeau's book.' A representative for Messner before her death from cancer said that was not true and that she was starting chemotherapy again.[18]

The back cover includes the following quote from Dr. Herbert Ley, a former commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration who died three years before the book was written: 'The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what people think it's doing are as different as night and day.' The statement, extracted from a 1969 interview in The New York Times, was made in the context of Ley's resignation from his post as a result of numerous policy disputes.[101][102] Trudeau's lawyer, David J. Bradford, says that this quote does not constitute a false endorsement of the book by Ley, but rather is merely a statement that is in line with the purpose of the book.[103]


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  19. ^ abShapiro, R (2009). Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All. Random House. p. 33. ISBN0-09-952286-1.
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  32. ^ ab'''Federal Trade Commission, Plaintiff v. Kevin Trudeau, Shop America (USA) LLC, Shop America Marketing Group, LLC, Trustar Global Media, Limited, Robert Barefoot, Deonna Enterprises, Inc., and Karbo Enterprises, Inc., Defendants, and K.T. Corporation, Limited, and Trucom, LLC''. Federal Trade Commission. January 15, 2009. Retrieved December 20, 2011.
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  84. ^'Kevin Trudeau jailed, then released, after spending $359 on two haircuts'. The Christian Science Monitor. September 19, 2013. Retrieved September 19, 2013.
  85. ^'TV pitchman pleads for mercy, jailed anyway'. The Bismarck Tribune. October 22, 2013. Archived from the original on October 22, 2013. Retrieved October 22, 2013.
  86. ^Kirby, Adam (November 13, 2013). 'U.S. TV pitchman Trudeau found guilty of criminal contempt'. Retrieved November 13, 2013.
  87. ^Meisner, Jason (November 12, 2013). 'TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau found guilty of contempt, ordered held'. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved November 13, 2013.
  88. ^Janssen, Kim (November 21, 2013). 'Kevin Trudeau already in jail, but 2nd judge slams cell door'. Chicago Sun Times. Archived from the original on December 13, 2014. Retrieved November 23, 2013.
  89. ^Janssen, Kim (February 27, 2014). 'Infomercial king Kevin Trudeau's possessions to be auctioned'. Chicago Sun-Times. Archived from the original on March 8, 2014.
  90. ^Infamous infomercial king Kevin Trudeau's secret global club off the market, sold to highest bidders. archiveArchived 2015-04-27 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved April 15, 2015.
  91. ^Holland, Leslie (March 18, 2014). 'Television pitchman Kevin Trudeau is headed to prison'. CNN. Retrieved March 18, 2014.
  92. ^Meisner, Jason (March 17, 2014). 'TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau sentenced to 10 years in prison'. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved November 19, 2015.
  93. ^Infomercial Scammer Kevin Trudeau Appeals Conviction (September 10, 2014). Retrieved April 15, 2015.
  94. ^FTC v. Trudeau appellate brief, retrieved December 8, 2015.
  95. ^Stempel, J. (February 5, 2016). U.S. TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau loses appeal of conviction, sentence., retrieved December 15, 2016.
  96. ^Kevin Trudeau, inmate # 18046-036, Federal Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Dep't of Justice.
  97. ^ abMeisner, Jason (April 28, 2014). 'Prison doesn't keep pitchman off TV, Convicted huckster maintains airtime and fans'. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved April 29, 2014.
  98. ^'Judge Approves Refunds For Buyers Of Kevin Trudeau's Diet Book'. WBBM. October 8, 2015. Retrieved October 13, 2015.
  99. ^(Natural Cures, Chapter 1 – 'I Should Be Dead by Now')[clarification needed]
  100. ^'The Gauntlet® News - Firm claims diabetes cure'. Archived from the original on 13 August 2011.
  101. ^Jennifer Ross-Nazzal. “From Farm to Fork”: How Space Food Standards Impacted the Food Industry and Changed Food Safety Standards page 226. NASA History Division. Retrieved August 25, 2013.
  102. ^Richard D. Lyons (December 31, 1969). Ousted F.D.A. Chief Charges 'Pressure' From Drug Industry . The New York Times. Retrieved August 25, 2013.
  103. ^Best-seller ‘Natural Cures’ sparks court battle – Bob Sullivan, MSNBC, August 22, 2005

Further reading[edit]

  • Panozzo, Mike (November 2005). 'Being Kevin Trudeau'. Billiards Digest. 28 (12). Chicago,: Luby Publishing. ISSN0164-761X. Archived from the original on 2006-03-19. Retrieved 2006-03-08.CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)[clarification needed]
  • Natural scams 'he' doesn't want you to know about – Michael Shermer, Scientific American, March 2006[clarification needed]
  • After Jail and More, Salesman Scores Big with Cure-All Book – The New York Times, August 28, 2005[clarification needed]
  • Critique of Health Claims re Coral Calcium[clarification needed]
  • Would You Buy A Used Cure From This Man? – The Smoking Gun, August 26, 2005[clarification needed]
  • Consumer Affairs article[clarification needed]
  • 'The Curious Case of Kevin Trudeau, King Catch Me If You Can' by Catherine Bryant Bell, Mississippi Law Journal, vol. 79, page 1043 (Summer 2010): [3].

External links[edit]

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  • Business and Employment»

Kevin Trudeau Free Money 2014 edition

Free Money-2014 Edition! Kevin Trudeau (Updated:New for 2014!) What Don't Want You to Know About

Is Kevin Trudeau's Free Money for Real?

Kevin Trudeau's 'Free Money' is a current TV Infomercial hosted by Misha Dibono, who plays the role of the surprised average American when she hears what Kevin says. The 30 minute infomercial pitches a new book, 'Free Money - They Don't Want You to Know About' by Bestselling author, Kevin Trudeau. Kevin claims Americans can get tens of millions of dollars in free money. Trudeau says there's 4,000 government, state and local programs that give away money to those who apply. Trudeau also claims there's 100,000 private sources of funds that go to US citizens. Apparently, 140 million Americans qualify for these funds. Kevin shows one bill from Congress that gives away about 800 billion dollars over the course of several years. Most people don't know about these funds, but if they apply apparently they can get 'free money'.

View Kevin Trudeau book titles at, or read on for more information about this product and advertisements.
Trudeau claims the government makes this grant and other money available by way of various bills, but they don't necessarily advertise any of them. They use it politically to say they directed funds to this cause or that, make it public knowledge, and then move on to their next matter on the agenda. So consumer advocate Kevin has researched these various free sources of money to create his latest publication.

Related Links

  • Kevin Trudeaus 25 Secrets to Wealth Creation CD Review | Current TV Infomercials & Products
    Kevin Trudeau's infomercial product Debt Cures: They Don't Want You to Know About is a book which claims to help people buried in debt get out of their
  • Kevin Trudeau Fraud or Consumer Advocate?
    Kevin Trudeau is well known amongst television and news headlines. You may have even seen him by scanning the channels looking for something to watch. He's often part of infomercials late at night promoting...

What Free Money is About

In Kevin Trudeau's book 'Free Money - They Don't Want You to Know About', he gives examples of some of the free funds that are available to the average person. Examples include $9500 to help pay bills, $2800 to pay heating costs and $1200 to help pay your mortgage. Other examples include $800 to buy food, $170 a month for parking, and $3,000 if you volunteer to work in your neighborhood. There's also $4800 to pay 'family expenses', $328 to help pay rent and amazingly, $1000 while waiting for some of the other funds you applied for. And for free services, Trudeau mentions there's free dental care, free eyeglasses, free air travel, and free hotel rooms among others.
Kevin also points out Matthew Lesko's series of books about free government money. Lesko is the guy who wears those crazy, colorful suits with all the question marks on his TV advertisements. Kevin stacks up most of Lesko's books on the table such as 'Free College & Training Money for Women', 'Free Money and Help for Women Entrepreneurs', 'Free Legal Help', and 'American Benefits for Seniors' to illustrate how concise his book is compared to all the ones Lesko's published. Trudeau says applying for the funds is relatively simple, and his book gives you the best of the information about the free funds you can apply for. Kevin also says he applied for one of these techniques to receive $256 by completing a simple online application, then did another and received over $1500.
Another thing Trudeau discusses is 'lost money'. These funds come from things such as deceased relatives, mortgages, stocks or IRA's, bank accounts or paychecks. The amazing thing is 140 million people are eligible to apply for all these programs, but usually only 20 million do so. Some of the funds come as quickly as 30 days.
The fine print at the bottom of the infomercial says 'Terms and amounts of the grants vary. Eligibility requirements apply'. It's listed on the infomercial at a price of $29.95 plus 'S&P', and includes free the 'Debt Cures' book (a $30 value) and the 'Easy $5K Guide', which is about mostly home-based businesses. The Easy $5 K Guide may be similar to the product Jeff Paul's Shortcuts to Internet Millions. The 'Free Money' product carries a 30 day money back guarantee according to the advertisement. Kevin says if you haven't received at least $500 in those 30 days you can return the book. Kevin Trudeau's 'Free Money' is sold through QSN Direct.

Kevin Trudeau Books at

Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You To Know About

Kevin Trudeau's Free Money Infomercial

Consumer Complaints

While this information presented here is not intended to promote ordemote 'Free Money', there have been documented complaints regarding Mr.Trudeau's latest product. At this consumer affairswebsite, more than a few people complain that they tried to order thebook 'Free Money' and the customer service reps pushed more products onthem. These extra products included other books and newsletters. Thebook supposedly costs $39.99 but once they saw their bill, they hadbeen charged over $93. One woman states the information presented inthe book is more for those people who are unemployed or on welfare,rather than the average working person. Buyers beware if you call toorder this product from QSN Direct.
Kevin claims he doesn't make a cent off this product and is doing itall as a 'public service'. He discusses the current dismal state ofthe economy and says with people losing homes, jobs and their way oflife, this book can help them get money to help out. All that said,the choice is really yours to save your hard earned $30 and apply it to bills, or to pay up and purchase Kevin Trudeau's Free Money.

Natural Cures Kevin Trudeau Scam

Latest Trudeau Free Money Book

Kevin Trudeau Website

Latest opinion update 2014

The Kevin Trudeau book about free money sources has been updated as of 2014 to include new information. It is still available at the Amazon website, but consumers should proceed with caution before buying products and believing claims made by Mr. Trudeau. At this point, it seems a bit too risky to call him an expert in this sort of advice, so take his words with a grain in salt.

Free Money-2014 Edition! Kevin Trudeau (Updated:New for 2014!) What Don't Want You to Know About

Kevin Trudeau Free Money Book

  • Common sense tells you that if he 'makes no money off the sales' and he's doing this only as a 'public service' then why does he not just tell you on tv how to do it. Like he doesn't give you ONE example website to go on or anything. If it is such a public service, he shouldn't make you buy anything to get the information.. scam scam scam.....

  • Hes currently in federal prison...Its a scam and always has been!scumbag.

  • saw the infomercial today 5,19,2015. tried calling the number and kept getting a story that i won a free cruise, just pay port charges. can't get to the ordering page. it's a scam

  • Let's settle this once and for all. Kevin Trudeau is a crook, con artist, and swindler who has been ordered by courts to stop pandering his false products many times. He ignores these writs and continues selling his lying infomercials and will have to be put behind bars before he stops. Google 'Kevin Trudeau' and see the long list of hits that clearly describe his felonious activities and efforts to put an end to his slimy tactics. Anyone who continues being sucked in by his crap has only him or herself to blame when they're dissatisfied since he's only selling books to make money and not to help anyone but himself. Caveat Emptor!

  • Keven Turdo is a con man and deserves to rot in prison long after Hell freezes over. This clown is the most disgusting type of human that could be conceived of by whore or crapping. Anyone who orders his useless books needs to get there head examined. Keven, you suck C**ks and can go to Hell!

  • This guy is a complete assho*e and I'd like nothing more than to give him a good a$$ Kicking! I can think of no single person I have more dislike for than this useless piece of sh!t. Go F yourself Keven Turdo!

  • Hey are using WordPress for your blog platform? I'm new to the blog world but I'm trying to get started and set up my own. Do you require any coding knowledge to make your own blog? Any help would be really appreciated! deddbdeeffbb

  • Who buys this crap. Really ? How dumb can you be. ??

  • Guess nobody will get to meet him since he is in jail again. Of course he doesnt make a dime off it. He is still paying off his 30 mil fine from his last scam.

  • I checked his book out of the library. Of the thousads of claims I only qualified for 2. At the end of the application there is a required $39.95 fee for the cost of internet advertising. I deleted my name, address and phone number. I was called repeated by a strong accented person.They wouldn't take 'I'm no longer interested please don't call again 'For weeks it went on. I would reject the number only to be called by another person with a slightly different number. I'm glad I didn't put in any financial information! What a scam!!!Kevin you'll get your due for being a lier and cheat.

  • You can find some decent methods to start an online business here:

  • Didn't Jeff Paul spend some time in jail also? Maybe Kevin and Jeff were cellmates?

  • I have a real comment to post for you, sob, but i'm concerned for my saftey so i restrained...


  • Ever hear of the phrase, if it's too good to be true, it probably is? Scam artists like Trudeau rely on gullible people that think they can get rich without making much of an effort. If it were that easy, everyone would be rich. Before he started making infomercials, he was convicted of fraud for posing as a doctor and cashing $80,000 in checks followed by printing credit cards using the social security numbers of his first 'customers' from the first book he wrote. I hope they throw this thief in jail for a long time.



  • His books are fantastic! I have received so much valuable information from them that improved my health and finances.

  • I've been researching for more than 10 years in the fields of martial arts, health, nutrition, success principles, happiness and spiritual enlightenment and as a matter of fact I never found anything as nearly powerful as the GIN training is.

    My life has been positively impacted in all its aspects by GIN and it's getting better every day.

    I'm building great relationships with fantastic people with great commitments, focus and responsibilities; positive enthusiastic people that do not talk the talk but walk the walk, and have a great heart.

    If you ever had the opportunity to meet Kevin Trudeau in person you know he is a real gentlemen and a very nice and kind person.

    Kevin is being massively attacked by the mainstream media because he is exposing the corruption between governments and the pharmaceutical industry and more.

    Some people are saying that Kevin is telling lies and has produced fraudulent infomercials and books but I have a question for these people:

    'Have you ever tried to do what he is suggesting in his books?'

    I did. And my life dramatically improved. I would suggest to this negative people to consider that 'to know and not to do, is not to know'.

    Many people are talking about the subjects of natural health and government corruption today but most of them are not able to reach a huge audience.

    Kevin is very good in communication and sales so therefore his ability to reach out the masses is huge, and that's why the power that be fear him so much and it's trying to stop him in every way.

    Kevin is not giving up because this is a very important legal battle concerning the freedom of speech and if lost, could become a precedent and the basis to stop the freedom of speech of us all.

    Kevin is leading by example, showing the only thing to fear is fear itself, as fear it's only False Evidence Appearing Real.

    People are waking up. Please remember that everything begins inside yourself and you can be, do have everything you want in your life if you believe it.

    The hundreds, thousands monkeys are out now, and counting. We are unstoppable and it's going to be an exciting ride.

    Thank you so much Kevin for taking this huge challenge to shed light on reality and protect the freedom of speech for us all.

    With Love and Light


  • What a strange story!

    I know a lot of people who bought that book, and I bought it myself. I DO NOT KNOW a single person who wants the money back for that book! ... so !?!

    The money that I invested in the Club is the best ever investment in my whole Life. It is an investment in 'Personal Development', and that value is inestimable! My Life changed only for the BEST since that I am in the Club!

    Here some more:

    The Man that put this fabulous Training together for the Club is a Hero, and the Media is trying to destroy .... Easy ... to destroy what you don't know! And some people ... who don't know too ... are listening to the Media, and agree and believe :-(

    I want to thank KT for all he did, because my Life changed so much in the last 2 Years, and only for the best! I want to thank KT for this fabulous Club, because without the Club, I would never be what I am now. I would never be the person that I became. I would never have the Friendships and Relationships that I found in the Club. I would never have the strength of character and personality that I have now. I would never have the Business Opportunities that I have now. I would never live the Life that I live now, with all the Happiness, the travel, and all those little things every day! I am a Life-Time GIN Member !! I am proud of our Club, and ... if YOU are not a Member yet, and read this, I can only strongly advise you to consider to become a Member !!

    You don't know what you don't know ! You have to 'live' the Club!

    Thank You Kevin!!

    Sonja - Luzern / Switzerland

  • Thank you God for Kevin Trudeau and GIN. My life has literally been transformed. I'm debt free, have my own International Business (in 52 countries), and live a life of significance full of passion, purpose and meaning. My self confidence and self esteem have gone thru the roof. The positive, upbeat contacts and life long friends I've made in GIN have made my life so much more fulfilling and rich! I'm now literally living the life of my dreams!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • Kevin is truly a hero! He has done so much to improve the lives of so many people, including me and my family. The information he shares with the world is life-changing in a very positive way. I am healthy and happy and getting better and better every day. Thanks Kevin!

  • The training KT has offered in the form of Your Wish Is Your Command has been nothing short of spectacula. Before listening to it I wasn’t doing much. I was very lost and broke. Through the training KT has offered and the opportunities I’ve gotten since becoming a member of the global Information network I have been able to turn my life around financially and have given my life a brand new meaning and purpose that didn’t exist prior to KT and GIN.

    My thoughts and energy go out to you Kevin; you have never let any of us who know the truth down. Everything will happen exactly as it should in the best possible outcome.

  • Really!It's interesting how ignorant and gullible the American public can be'.Free money everybody buy my book to find where the free money is'.Then the public complains when they can't find it.I've got a book called the 'Money tree'.Plant it and a few years later money will grow from the branches only $599.99, with monthly payments available.Order now,trees available in several denominations 10-100 bills.

  • Tried to stop this scam artist from sending my husband his garbage and got the lie, 'We can't see it in the system yet. I will take 24-48 hours and then we may not be able to stop it.' Called my bank and they cancelled the card and won't allow this piece of shit to get my money! :)

  • Tried to stop this scam artist from sending my husband his garbage and got the lie, 'We can't see it in the system yet. I will take 24-48 hours and then we may not be able to stop it.' Called my bank and they cancelled the card and won't allow this piece of shit to get my money! :)

  • WOW... I saw the infomercial for his book that looked like they were investigating him but all they did was sell. I am so glad to know how much of a fake he is.

  • Hey people K.T. hoodwinked alot of ppl.Now lets work 2wards getting hold of the right ppl to send him where he belongs.the fact that many have fallen prey to event cause for national attention,Lets ban together and get the turning on this!

  • I just watched the Info-Blab and almost bought in! Thought I'd do some checking first, GLAD I DID. Thanks for the heads up....

    I'll be Granting MYSELF at least $29.95 for starters.

  • This guy is a felon and a piple of garbage that wants your money , he does not want to give you free money. the government doesnt give free money except pail grants . so dont buy his book !!! he spent 3 years in prison and coulndt do paid info commercials for 3 years either. he is a liar. anything to make the general public order his book

  • it's a scam ,man!

  • I ordered the Money They Don't Want you to know about and i found out i had money coming and got it, ithink some people wanted more then what the book wanted and like the one man said if u dont want the rest of it say no also any credit card charged wrong can be canceled by your credit card rep these days so its not that hard. People are looking for help but theres alot of negs ads but some got what they were wanting so i'll leave it at that.

  • I have seen Kevin Trudeau's crap for years. However, I NEVER buy anything online or through TV without researching. The below link should be enough to convince anyone to stay away (if the fact that he has done jail time for bank fraud and other things isn't enough).

  • The commercial is scam.. That's why it comes on as early as 4a.m. When most working class Americans are sleeping, plus running a commercial is pretty cheap to run in the wee hours nobody want to hear that B.S. People there are grants out there.... You don't have to pay for info, doin research is free, if the free money grant is free, then why pay anybody... HELLOOOoooooo

  • Kevin Trudeau served time for credit card fraud ( American express ) and larceny. He teamed up with a company called Nutrition for life which turned out to be nothing but a pyramid scam.

  • iam sry for you guys who have been scamed ,but i just brung in 100.000 dollars so its so very true.

  • Thanks everyone for inputting your situtations on the purchase of these books and what you had to go through....will not be making a purchase on this infomercial or take a chance on any other one. These comments to this book are a nightmare.

  • Kenin Trudeau has sunk to an all new low. I woke this morning to find the most ridiculous infomercial ever posing as an exposé on Kevin. Appropriately it turned out I was watching #syfy.

  • I purchased Kevin Trudeau's free money book, and believe me it is a scam. Being a person on disability, and looking to get money, seems that I was shelling out more money than getting money.... just to file the papers it cost, just to look at the list of free government programs it cost money. To make a long story short... keep your money and don't waste it on this crap.

  • SCAM SCAM SCAM, I bought the books last year, I live in central Missouri. and after reading the books, I found I could not use them because I did not live in the correct county. or the correct city. NO HELP FOR COUNTRY FOLKS. The information can be found at any public library.

  • If the book is reality, it wouldn't even be on t.v. I actually dnt think the government ('they') would have even let him publish this book. I mean the gov. Does run and control the media! Maybe this Guy is on 'their' side anyway! Seems like same ol' sick twisted and greedy american scam laugh to me.

  • Kevin Trudeau is a convicted felon, and all his books appear to be scams. See the link.


  • Nothing is free in the world.. specially in USA.. hahhaha.. he just want you $19.95 for crapy book.........


  • Its alot of scames out here but one that is not a scam is insanity and thats a known fact

  • Do not buy the book, this is the best advise I can give you, save your $40 something and DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK...

  • I have read both of his 'Natural Cures' books as well as his Debt cures book. You can purchase on and amazon. All of his books are excellent! His advice is accurate. I have CURED my 17 year thyroid disease with advice from his books! Anybody against him is affiliated with the FTC, FDA, ABC, etc and they do not want you to know their hidden agenda of NOT protecting consumers but in fact they are protecting the pharmaceutical industry!

  • Trudeau's Free Money book offer is a classic bait and switch. They offer a coaching network for $29.95/month and a newsletter for $140/year. In return for signing up for these services they offer gift cards from Walmart. If you choose not to continue with these services, and you cancel you had better hold on to your cancel confirmation number or they will continue to charge your account and refuse to reimburse your account. No wonder he's a huge financial success!

  • True Gina, People told me Amway wouldn't work and it changed my finical life for ever! Cant get free money if you have a closed mind

  • He was not legally thrown in jail.. Do you really think the govornment wants you to know how to get this money? If it doesnt work you get to keep the product and a refund.. Whats the big deal.. How many of you tryed and failed to get the money?? or are you just running off rumors?

  • Never heard of this book or the author, saw it on a commercial this morning and jotted the phone number down.....

    I called them and cut to the chase, how much is shipping and handling?

    One book was $12

    Two books, $22.

    That's criminal, I retired from the Postal Service, you can ship 2 books by Media Mail with Delivery Confirmation for about $6-$7 add $1 for packaging material, see where I'm going?

    After reading other comments, glad I asked questions.

  • kevin you said don't give them money. and they say you have to pay money on all the web pages we go to.

  • Kevin is a fraud....he will take your money (was offering a monthly newsletter for around $80.00) for one year subscription....received only 2 newsletters and had to keep calling his office to get them to either send me back my money or have them send me the missing newsletters...after repeatedly being told I would be getting the newsletters, nothing ever came to my house and no one would return my calls to have my money reimbursed...he's a scam artist and he's very very good at what he does...he's been in jail for this as well. Please do not buy or believe anything he is saying.

  • I think kevin Trudeau is a con man who preys on the less fortunate. My mother-in-law at the age of 78 years old only wanted to do somthing nice for her family.By purchasing the books that promise you a better life grandma really felt good about doing somthing for her family.After being double charched for something she really cant afford in the first place the poor woman was heart broken to find out it was all a scam. Lets face it, its the government do you really think their going to give away money that they work so hard to take from you in the first place? Please dont be a victim. I only wish i could get my mother-in-laws money back. Since that will never happen, I would love to have Kevin Trudeau to meet my mother-in-law and explain to her how it is just a scam for him to make money. And since that will never happen,i just hope people will read this and be warned. If it was up to me I would burn all his books.


  • If you will notice Kevin says that the people who know and qualify will recieve the money. Not every person who applies will get money. That's not what he claims. It amazes me about some people how when hearing about something like this they all say its a scam. After reading some of your complaints on how Kevin Trudeau is a fraud and the things he says aren't true. You then say that everything he says in his books can be found with a little work. People get off your asses and actually apply yourself to something and you just might find that the things that some people tell you just might be true. Regardless of how it sounds to you. What he says about how a bill is put together is true. Alot of the stuff he puts in his books are common sense. If you really apply yourself ( there's that word again)you will find this out. People these days want hand outs. Think that everybody owes them somehow. Everything Trudeau says in his books are absolutely true. If it wasn't, the government wouldn't be trying to shut him up. Since when have you ever seen the government try to stop someone from saying something that wasn't true! If it ain't true. It won't last.

  • THESE WORDS POSTED FROM THE GREATEST BOOK OF ALL TIMES: ECCLESIASTES 12:8)'Vanity of vanities', saith the preacher; 'all is vanity'. 9)And moreover, because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs. 10)The preacher sought to find out acceptable words; and that 'which was' written was upright, 'even' words of truth. 11)The words of the wise 'are' as goads, as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, 'which' are given from one shepherd. 12)And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end: and much study is a weariness of the flesh. 13) Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear (reference) GOD, and keep HIS commandments: for this 'is' the whole duty of man. 14) For GOD shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether 'it be' good, or whether 'it be' evil.'

  • i bot lotsa his books i spemd 100s dollars i bi 1 book and he send lots i mad i real mad how i get mony bak i need help

  • how can a scam be happenig for a period of two years and no one have sue Kevin Trudeau. My opinion is that if ther is people that won a sue agains Mcdonals, why can Kevin Trudeau be beated in hes scam? And why is he stil on TV?

  • yall do know the books are in stores for like 11.95 right? if everyone is having such bad problems with getting it over the phone why not just go to the store?

  • I'm curious to know if anyone who has ordered the book by phone agreed to any of the free trials. If so did any of you recieve the walmart gift cards promised to you just for trying the free 30 day trials which you can cancell at anytime?

  • We know that there are now documented cases of those who used the book to get income that they were not expecting, and prroof has been given. However, most will not find that to to be the situation in their case. I am convinced that if anyone does get money from what they read in this book, they will highly endorse it, but if they do not, they will do just the opposite. A person will have to decide for themselves. I do find it amusing though.

  • These books might be helpfull but when I read them I'm not interesten in reading about how much other people found over and over. Its a waste of reading time. Then when you offered these so called FREE BOOKS for the cost of SHIPPING nad HANDLING your not telling the people that there paying (10 THE SHIPPING COST) Its a scam.

  • I purchased Matthew Lesko's book which is the same type of book as KT's. I read it cover to cover and found it a total rip off. There was not one useful grant or source of 'free money' in the entire book! I returned it and got my money back. Don't bother with these books. If you still want to read one you can buy them on at a greatly reduced price and on top of that you won't get bugged to buy other books. If it sounds too good to be true, it is!

  • i got the book and i have found no money and all he does is talk about him self what a wast of money never again he just wants ur money

  • The problem people is when times like this take place, we all have a tendency to find the next quick fix. We have the tendency to fall into the trap when someone out there is saying free money, it is key words like this that make us all have the tendency to become vulnerable. It is human nature and it is a crying shame that there are people out there that entrap the most vulnerable. We just have to realise that if our own government is yet to offer help to those in need, then a scam artist like Kevin can't either. I mean right now if I create a website, and promote a book that says free money, or you can be rich and make 100000 in one week, and charge 39 dollars, guess what if this offer is marketable people will buy into this as well..It is called consumer fraud and the crazy thing is people on the web get away with it

  • I like the hot women with big boobs that trudeau and other book hustlers hire for late night informercials!! It makes watching it 'enjoyable.'

  • dnatuck 4 weeks ago

    kevin doesn't make any money off book yeah right

    This may be a true statement, he does not make any money off the book.

    HE MAKES MONEY OFF THE SHIPPING. Even if he profits a buck off ever book do the math

    30 million sold x $1.00

    That's $30,000,000.00 in FREE MONEY that KT doesn't want us to know about.

  • I recently purchased the KT Free Money book. What a waste of time, ordered the book on Monday on Tuesday had to sign up for shoppersadvantage,com and before they would ship out the book.

    Keep in mind when you sign up for these two sites they are a dollar each for a trial, then renew monthly until canceled for $21.95 per month and $ 19.99 per month both of these site are a waste of time.

    Don't forget the Free Booklet on 25 Ways to make $5K per month from home this is packed with 25 of most ridiculous ways to make money from home - 2 of my favorites sell unwanted items on ebay and craigslist wow I would of never figured that out on my own.

    Yes there is grant money out there but in this book there are to many specific qualifications that rule out most people.

    Big deal if we return the book we can keep the 25 Ways it's not even worth the paper it's printed on.

    When I received the book went through it in 2 hours,a very easy read, searched the few websites listed and came up with nothing.

    So I canceled all memberships today and the book is going back tomorrow, and going to call my credit card company to cancel the card and get a new number so there is no chance of double billing.

    Think about it over 30 million copies sold, even if you return the book for the 19.95 less the shipping every time he definitely makes a ton of money just from the shipping alone, even if he profits $1.00 from every book shipped.

    That's the business sell a book full of nonsense, charge $9.95 for expedited shipping, probably has a bulk mail rate anyway, very low cost. Make money off the shipping and since many won't return the book it's a win win situation.

    I think it's a big scam.....

    It was a lesson learned KT is too good to be true, and I will never buy anything off late night television again.

    Good Luck All...

  • Misha DiBono is the blonde spokeswoman interviewer on the latest infomercial for his book. She used to be a reputable, legit newscaster in San Diego years ago. I always wondered what happened to her. She must have fell on hard times to be associating herself with this kind of scheme.

  • Honestly, they aren't scams. There is grant money. You just have to do the leg work and apply for it. You write a proposal, you request the specific grant based on your area and purpose. I am part of a non profit organization that sends us (members ) grant opportunities each year. Many small businesses have gotten grants to further their business. You don't need the books, but the books help you find the information quicker or in less time than on your own, If you are not good at researching them.

  • He looks like a used car salesman...I've never had much luck with used car salesmen.

  • There is a special place in hell for people like Kevin.

  • everything went well filling out all the proper work nescesary except its been 3 weeks now the woman on the other end says 7 to 11 days a form to fill out will be there i kept telling her its to good to be true a scam most likely she kept assuring me its not she is as guilty of fraud as he is why fellow americans want to f... fellow americans is beyond me when you die are you sure your going up or just maybe the word fu.. you have done to yourself earth is a short time hell is 4 ever

  • Trudeau has been ripping people off with different scams before and after his PRISON TIME...I along with at least 20 people I know just in our small area of the world were taken for a grand each back in his vitamin MLM days in the 90s. Lifetime crook.

  • I just saw a program where the woman claims to be investigating Kevin for fraud because of this Free Money book. First she says they tried to get him on the program but the government stopped her. She also keeps showing the call center & warehouse where the book can only be ordered from. The entire show she finds the people in the book & ask them did they really get free money and ask them to prove it. They then show her a bank statement with the deposit. After about four cases she still says she's investing fraud. If they have the money how is it still fraud? Then again someone showing a statement isn't proof either! Clearly this is nothing more than an infomercial to sell the book & other products. The number is advertized repeatedly. I know the only one making money is but what struck me as funny was if the book is true why weren't the call center people reading it and making all that money instead of working in his call center & warehouse? (lol)

  • If his books work like he says and he says he don't make a penny then where does all the money go that all thes dumb asses spend go. An in his infomercial they go to there actresses houses and ask for some kind of proof of there free money, Well why don't Kevin show proof that he don't make a penny on (GIVING HA HA HA) this imfo.

  • I know it's some programs they don't tell us about, how do you think all the immigrants come here and own busineses. If a african or arab was making enough money to buy someone out of their business over here, than they was doing supurb in their own country. They didn't leave a million dollar business to own a corner store here.They know:we don't.

  • Check with the library first to check out the book for free. Or you can order the book on amazon, for at least $9.95, instead of $29.95, or more. I just looked at a infomercial, (investigation)that interviewed the actual people whom received real checks, and bank deposits however;they did show proof that they did receive the money. Actually there must be some realness to 'FREE MONEY.'

  • I am a professional not-for-profit executive and know the grant world really well. Kevin is a motivated salesman, but his claims are not true. 99% of all grants have one stipulation that will exclude you. For instance, there is a grant for college funds but it is ONLY for Cherokee girls (need tribe documentation). Or it is for a Polish heritage boy who wants to be an engineer. The grants are very specific, not generic or open to all. Searching for a grant for which you can apply takes weeks. The process is so laborious that there are prefessionals who do nothing but grant research and/or grant writing. Some grants are for not-profit organizations and I have written many that are over 300 pages long. I know of no grant money which will pay you directly for your electric bill. Period. Those that do exist must come from a local community development corporation (CDC) which gets the money, then allocates it to applicants as long as the money does not run out. Again, the application will be at least 5 pages long and you must include tax returns, utility bills, etc. It takes work, folks.

  • Hey, thanks for all the above comments. You are so right, if the Money was really free, then why is Kevin T. selling it. GREED!

    I am still looking for Money to finish my last 6classes for my Degree.

  • if this book was for real kevin tradeau would give it for free with agreement to recieve 20% of all money obtained to each person.kevin doesn't make any money off book yeah right nobody goes thru that much trouble for nothing.

  • It so funny how people act when they dont like what they invested the saying saids the best investment is yourself....the book is suppose to help and guide you like all books do...DUHHHHHH people....All yal want is a handout instead of a helping gotta research, the money is just gotta get the paperwork right and get the grants..idiots...I bet if you really read the book instead of stating your dumb as opinions yal probably would have gotten your grant money....I got mines yal get yours.

  • I hope you people realize that most nonprofit pay for 40-60% of their operating expenses through grants and donations. People are stupid. Learn what a grant is. I don't know if they're as easy as what the book says, but you can get buttloads of money from them.

  • There is only one way to get 'free money'. Work! What is wrong with people that always want something for free!!! Work like the rest of us and stop looking for an easy way to get something you have not earned! I give this guy some credit for finding a way to make his money; too bad it's not honest! Hard work is the only way to make it all work! Good luck.

  • I bought the book and the first day that I received FREE MONEY I got $2000

  • We'll see your money making program in detail. hope it'll work.

  • i just bought the book i a gree he is just making millions him self moste stuff can be found on the goverment. org he probley has what i call a swatshop of telamrketers but you no we buy in to it . dont we kinde of deseverve it .congrat to him thow he is making millions and if its leagle i think you would to right

  • to all i was out of work and needed money. lost my house hade to movein with my mother and fother. 'and then if found a way' to get my life back!!! this is not free money. but it is a way to get your life back the price is 40.00$

  • ok i admitt i bought his entire series for $110.00 ouch! but, i followed his every example to the letter. step by step and after applying his some 15 studies and 45 days later im, sad to say but i made ZERO, ((( JUST KIDDING ))) i rang in 6 checks first, was $1700.00 2nd $3400.00 3rd $850.00 4th $15,321.00 5th $357.00 and the 6th $9100.00 ' HEY IM MORMON ' [i never lie].



    'Trudeau's activities have been the subject of both criminal and civil action. He was convicted of larceny and credit card fraud in the early 1990s, and in 1998 paid a $500,000 fine for making false or misleading claims in his infomercials. In 2004, he consented to a lifetime ban on promoting products other than his books via infomercials.'

  • I bought Your Wish is your command CD. just wondering why we cannot hear the audience when they ask question? there is no audio, might be a fake one.

  • I worked hard as a house keeper, when I saw KT on the T.V I thought its my opportunity to be out of debt, I spend more than a thousand dollars of all the products and books that he recommend but did not bring me anywhere, instead took me 3 months to paid off my credit card, he ripped me off. its a scam.

  • HE FOUND IT ON A FREE WEBSITE AND IS MAKING YOU PAY FOR IT!!! This information is all free! Go to and search 100's of topics from grants to free publications. The government isn't hiding anything if you don't know it's because you haven't been told. It's an absolutely free website. No strings and gives you step by step instructions on anything you want to know. For Real don't pay anyone for any information Kevin Trudeau is ripping people off and it PISSES ME OFF!

  • You are all a bunch of morons ... Debt Cures is common knowledge put into a book. Its simple things you can figure out by just looking around for the info.

    Diet Cures are the same. Not everyone should prescribe to the American Food and Drug Administrations idea of a healthy diet. They are in the business of FOOD AND DRUGS... so wouldnt they both go hand in hand? Be smart, stay away from artificial ingredients, aspartame, Sucralose, Crytalline Fructose, etc. Dont microwave your food, do the research on that. You have to destabilize the molecular structure of your food to heat it? You must be a moron to be that lazy, just use the stove so your food can at least keep SOME of its nutritional value. .. Free Money... I agree with the posts above, you can easily go online and find this money owed to you. I found 3 items in my name from my state, not much money but hey it is still pretty cool that there was money out there in my name. There are grants, assistance programs, etc, I actually found a very nice grant for helping build my struggling business. The money IS out there, but because LAZY AMERICAN PRIMA DONNAS dont want to put out the effort, they call it a SCAM... you want a scam... go online and register for a home business, and a few days later when they call you to sell you mentoring for 95% of the availability on your credit cards , THAT IS A SCAM.... PMI, Prosper Learning, Premier Mentoring, and the rest of those scammers are just looking to rob you...

    When you sign up for stupid books, make sure to read all the little disclosures that volunteer your money for monthly programs and website access fees, and monthly newsletters, etc..... Be smart... Remember when your mother, or grandparents told you to read the FINE PRINT? ya, maybe your lazy asses should have listened...

    Oh and for all of you who are bitching about the Playmates.... Dont be stupid, we all know that sex sells. He is making millions off of people who see it and remember it than order it. Its called marketing. Look at the adds for your DIET COKE that makes you fat, yet you see the add with the hot model and keep buying it. How about the HOT MODELS that advertise your Diet Pills that there will be a class action lawsuit against in 2 years because it causes heart disease, heart attacks, stroke, liver failure, kidney disease, diabetes, or whatever else they disclose on the commercials while you watch some models in swimsuits prance around? ... The general public is a bunch of suckers who look for an easy handout and then bitch when they dont like the handout or what it cost them. ... Hell, we have sold our liberties OVER AND OVER for free handouts from the government for years, yet you blame Obama for taking away your freedoms.... IDIOTS! Grow up, and read the fine print on your food, government, and especially your get rich quick schemes that you sign up for before you go online bitching about scammers. You SCAMMED YOURSELF, the fine print was there for you to read!